- 目的:
- 范围:
- 基本原则:
3.1 政策与执行一致性:公司会严格遵从本政策规定的原则以及公司在反商业贿赂合规遵从方面的其他政策和要求。如果任何公司员工和公司商业伙伴违反公司合规要求,公司将采取措施追究其相关责任。
3.2 宣传与培训:本政策会在公司发布供所有公司员工阅读并遵从执行,同时也会将公司对商业伙伴的反商业贿赂要求通过官网和承诺函等方式传达给所有与公司合作的商业伙伴。公司也会实施针对公司员工的反商业贿赂培训计划,制定和持续完善培训课程体系。
3.3 反商业贿赂使命:公司会建立廉洁的工作氛围与环境和相应的合规组织,通过落实责任人的方式履行本政策以及公司有关反商业贿赂合规事宜的其他政策和要求。同时,公司会任命反商业贿赂合规负责人并保证反商业贿赂合规负责人被赋予有效实施、维护和改进公司反商业贿赂合规体系所需的权力和资源。如果员工对本政策的内容有任何疑问,包括在各种业务运作中或在特殊或意外情况下有关原则和要求的适用性的问题等,应联系法务处寻求指导和帮助。
3.4 维护公司声誉:公司应当采取合理措施,确保涉及或已知涉及违法活动的人员不会担任管理职务。公司各业务主管对公司反商业贿赂合规体系的维护和效率负责,并确保在其专业职能领域实施和执行公司反商业贿赂合规要求。无论身处公司何种职位,公司员工都有责任遵守本政策和遵从适用的反商业贿赂法律的原则和要求,管理者要对违反这些原则和要求的下属人员的行为(包括不作为)承担管理责任。
- 具体要求:
4.1 商业贿赂:商业贿赂包括向公司任何客户、商业伙伴、供应商或其他第三方收受、提供、承诺、授权任何有价值的东西以确保或保持不正当或不公平的商业优势。任何有价值的东西包括但不限于现金、现金等价物等(如礼品、服务、就业机会、贷款、旅行和娱乐、慈善捐赠、赞助、商业机会、有利合同、个人利益等),即使是仅有名义上的价值。
4.2 为进一步规范公司全体员工,特别是管理人员的职业行为,树立廉洁、勤勉、敬业的工作作风,结合公司实际情况对公司全体员工要求如下:
- 举报:
- 问责:
任何公司员工违反本政策将面临纪律处分,包括解除劳动合同,员工也可能同时因违反法律而承担相应的法律责任。任何第三方如果违反本政策, 都将影响其与公司的业务合作,包括终止合作关系。如果给公司造成损失的,公司保留向其追究法律责任和赔偿的权利。
- 生效日期:
Anti-Bribery Policy
- Purpose:
The purpose of this Anti-Bribery Policy (“Policy”) is to assert the position of PXW Semiconductor Manufactory Co., Ltd (“PXW” or “Company”) on anti-bribery issues and prohibit bribery and corruption in any form. Every employee of the Company shall acknowledge that it is your responsibility to understand and follow this Policy, and also commit to supporting the implementation of the anti-bribery program of the Company and act with integrity, honesty and high ethics in all situations.
- Scope:
This Policy applies to PXW’s employees and related parties. In this Policy, the term “related parties” refers to entities and their affiliated companies that are engaged in business cooperation with PXW, or entities or individuals that do business for PXW or PXW’s business partners upon entrustment, as well as entities or individuals that may have influence or impact on building and maintaining PXW’s business relationships, and/or on making business decision and pursuing vested interests by any means.
- Guiding Principles:
PXW is committed to strictly complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding anti-bribery and fair trade, and considers this to be the cooperation foundation and prerequisite for conducting all of the Company’s business activities. PXW takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery, corruption, misuse of power or position for personal gain and expects all entities and their affiliates as well as other related parties doing business with PXW to do likewise to ensure that the Company’s anti-bribery requirements can be effectively enforced by working together.
3.1 Policy and Enforcement Consistency: PXW will strictly adhere to the principles set forth in this Policy and other policies and requirements of the Company for anti-bribery compliance. If employees and business partners fail to comply with the relevant requirements, the Company will take appropriate action to hold them accountable.
3.2 Communications and Training: This Policy is easily accessible on the official website of PXW to all staff and it will be actively publicized by various means to convey PXW’s anti-bribery requirements to all business partners. PXW will also develop and make continuous improvement on anti-bribery training curriculum for employees.
3.3 Anti-Bribery Mission: PXW will define the corporate values, foster a culture of integrity, set up a sound compliance management system, and implement this Policy and relevant anti-bribery compliance program through assignment of senior managers responsibility to ensure that the corporate values and this Policy are carried throughout the Company’s activities with tone from the top, management leadership, and adequate resources. Employees should contact the Legal Department for guidance and assistance if they have any questions concerning the content of this Policy, including issues relating to the applicability of the principles and requirements in various business operations or under special or unanticipated circumstances.
3.4 Maintaining the Company’s Reputation: The Company shall take reasonable measures to ensure that persons involved in or suspected of being involved in illegal activities do not hold management positions. The head of each business units of the Company is the first responsible person for the maintenance and efficiency of the Company’s anti-bribery compliance system, as well as the execution and enforcement of the Company’s anti-bribery compliance requirements. Regardless of the position in the Company, all employees are responsible for complying with this Policy, and the principles and requirements of applicable anti-bribery laws, and shall be liable for any violation. All managers shall take managerial responsibilities for the actions of their subordinates (including acts or omissions).
- Specific Requirements:
4.1 A bribe or corrupt action includes the receiving, offering, promising, authorizing or providing “anything of value” to any customer, business partner, vendor or other third party in order to secure, induce or keep an improper or unfair advantage. “Anything of value” here includes not only cash, but also cash equivalents like gifts, services, employment offers, loans, travel and entertainment, charitable donations, sponsorships, business opportunities, favorable contracts, personal favors, or giving anything even if nominal in value.
4.2 In order to further regulate personnel behavior and maintain the working environment of integrity, diligence and dedication, the requirements of compliance connecting with the practical situation for all employees of the Company are as follows:
(1) Do not accept any form of bribes or kickbacks through yourself or your relatives (spouses, parents, children, siblings, etc.) or certain affiliated persons who have a common stake with you;
(2) Do not request, solicit, receive or accept facilitation payments for education, employment, real property, decoration, marriage, funeral and any other personal affairs for yourself, your relatives (spouses, parents, children, siblings, etc.), or certain affiliated persons who have a common stake with you;
(3) Do not hold any position (including but not limited to the director, supervisor, consultant, etc.) in any company of business partner or its affiliates; or to give hints, enticements, or promises to provide improper or unfair benefits for yourself, your agents, your relatives (spouses, parents, children, siblings, etc.) or certain affiliated persons who have a common stake with you;
(4) Do not alienate or transfer the rights or obligations of transactions which may result in fewer profit-making opportunities of the Company without prior written authorization or permission;
(5) Do not illegally use, retain, misappropriate or usurp any of the Company’s assets for the purpose of bribery;
(6) Do not mislead the Company to pay for fake deals or matters by means of giving false statements, leaving out essential information, etc;
(7) Do not consciously conceal or misstate transaction information concerning the quality of accounting information disclosed which may contain false recordation, misleading representation and material omission, etc;
(8) Do not falsify or alter accounting records or documents such as providing false financial information or reports; Do not instigate, instruct or force anyone to compile and tender a financial accounting report which is false or conceal any important fact;
(9) Do not engage in activities that violate laws and regulations, policies, social morality or public order and good customs;
(10) Do not harm the interests and benefits of the Company by any other means.
- Reporting:
The Company advocates and encourages the real-name whistleblowing and provides adequate protection to keep the information of the real-name whistleblower confidential. Employees and people who have direct or indirect business relationships with the Company could report known or suspected misconduct to the Company by various means. Individuals who are responsible for report collection, registration, and bribery investigation and handling shall be devoted to their duties, be impartial in their enforcement activities and adhere to the principles as follows:
(1) Keep the information of whistleblowers confidential such as their names, workplaces, addresses and other relevant information.
(2) Shall not disclose any information or document which may result in obstruction or impartiality of the investigation.
(3) Shall withdraw from the case if an investigator, his/her relatives (spouses, parents, children, siblings, etc.) or his/her affiliated persons have interest relationship with the given case.
Whistleblowing Email: Complain@pxwsemi.com
- Accountability:
Any employee of the Company who violates this Policy may face disciplinary actions, including dismissal. The employee may also take the legal responsibility for violation of the law. In addition, any violation of this Policy by any third party may impact, or result in termination of future cooperation with the Company. Meanwhile, the Company reserves the right to pursue legal liabilities according to laws and regulations and ask for economic compensation.
- Effective Date:
This Policy is effective as of the date of issuance. The Legal Department is responsible for the interpretation of this Policy.